

Wrote my first piece of code (ASM) on 12th december 1972, since then I’ve worked in many industry sectors at various levels of software engineering/managment.
Languages: Assembly; Pascal; Fortram; c; C++; PHP; Node.js; Golang, Python! Pleased to offer help on any of these languages
Python is the last langauge that I’ve learned & purely so that I could explore AI.
Being relatively new to Python, I would appreciate a bit of slack with any ‘nooby’ errors that I make :slight_smile:
I’m fortunate that software engineering is also my hobby :), as such it also takes up a lot of my personal time.
Favourite Quotes:

  1. As white can not exist without black, a problem can not exist without its solution
  2. Today is the first day of the rest of your life, imagine what you could do if you put your mind to it!
