Agent stops in the middle and never goes to the end of the input list

Hi, Im not the experienced user of crewAI, so maybe my question is pretty simple, but I havent found the answer here yet.

So I have very simple test setup:

I have a file with a list of around 50 urls I want to visit and collect similar set of data.
I use gpt-4o-mini, my crew has only 1 agent and 1 task:
def data_collector(self) → Agent:
return Agent(
tools=[file_read_tool, selenium_tool]

def data_collecting_task(self) → Task:
return Task(
tools=[file_read_tool, selenium_tool]

selenium_tool = SeleniumScrapingTool()
file_read_tool = FileReadTool()

So when I run crewai, it successfully collects the data I need but never runs to the end of the list, but always process a few urls (14-19) and finishes without any errors or warnings.
Yes I’ve read the similar question here:

But setting result_as_answer parameter hardly works here.
Hitting the 4o-mini output window context size (16000 as far as I know) is also probably not the reason, as I check the number of output tokens used for each run and it never is close to 16000. Last run spent 12000 for example.

But anyway I understand that if I want to collect data from huge amount of urls, lets say 100-200-300 - I will run out of my output tokens for any model.
So how to avoid this problem? Maybe I should create a flow and fetch urls from file and then use kickoff_for_each(urls), like it was explained in the Advanced Use Cases with crewAI course?
Please, suggest the direction which I have to follow in order to solve this issue.

Try to set the max_iter parameter to the agent. If unset, the default is 20, which means that the agent will iterate a maximum of 20 times.

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Tank you for your advise.
I will definitely test it and report here

Sure, let me know if this solves the issue!

HI, I’ve tries to play with max_iter, as well as with max_rpm, setting them to high values and None, respectively.
It seems that number of processed items increased slightly, from less them 20 to 30-35.
But nevertheless agent stops, not finishing the input list, without any explanations.
I wonder, if there’s any way to force it to work on all the list`s items?
I wrote this demand in the description of the task, but this demand is being ignored.
Also i tried the option to hardcode the input list of urls, instead of reading it from a file. The results were somewhat better - on some runs almost all urls were processes, except some with issues, Im currently working on.
But some runs again ended with only 20-30 urls processed.
So the results are not stable, it is the main problem

So, as I planned, I switched to flow and kickoff_for_each solution and this way my agent was able to process all the list of urls right to the very end.
Changing parameters like max_iter didn`t bring results, so the possible solution is using kickoff_for_each looping through the list.

Glad you solved the issue! :slight_smile: