Hi there, I am new to this package and currently learn to use.
Here is what I did: First, I created an virtual env using virtualenv -p python3.12 crewai-env and activate like source crewai-env/bin/activate .
After installation like pip install crewai, just followed the example on the pypi page. I named this project test_flow
Things went well , but every time I tried to run crewai install or crewai run, always got all kinds of different errors, as shown follows:
(I am new here so currently restricted to list only one pic. But all these errors are very similar to the above)
Seems these errors are newtork related? So anyway to solve this problem? btw:I am here in China but using VPN.
Especially for command crewai install, the installation execution is VERY VERY slow. This screenshot is catched 2mins after lauching the command
Hi there thanks for your reply. I am trying to use python3.11 at the moment. I am running crewai install now but the execution is extremely slow. It’s been 10mins at least after lauch the command but still in process as shown below. So do you know how to solve this issue? Though seems network related
python3.11 worked!! Thank you sir.
btw: I have an advice but I am not sure if you are one of the crewai dev members. If yes, I think it’s better to say specificly using python3.11 instead of Python >=3.10 <=3.13, if even the pypi example can’t work for python3.13