Crewai @sift in this new forum

Is @sift no longer functioning here?

No, we are looking into how AI can supplement you all here in Discourse

Would you say the assistant gpt is more helpfull in forming the crew than providing a full working code? I have a lot of issues with the codes I get from it.

Which assistance are you guys getting to get the coding done right? Are you copy pasting from the documentation?

You should use crewai create crew from the command line to generate your skeleton project, that way you can just focus on your YAML files for the tasks and agents

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I dont think the complexity happens there. The issues are around specialized tools, careful agent and task descriptions, the interplay of different llms for different purposes, the incomplete documentation, etc. sometimes sift was helpful in these things but a lot of the time it just hallucinated dragging some novices down with it!

This is good feedback, thanks @moto. What would help more: more detailed docs + tutorials?

Yes and yes. In the docs, for example, look at codeinterpretertool. It says look at the readme in the tool file. There is something there called example, but it is simply an instance of calling a tool syntactically. What would be useful in any example is the semantics. What does it mean to execute the code, how does a human or agent subsequently interact, test, modify it. What is a best practice or two in using the tool. Haystack is always called out in the literature vs Langchain for having great documentation. Crewai should have that reputation vs its competitors. On another note I still see people being confused between the original structure of crewai instructions, flow and the yaml version. A lot of examples havent been changed since early days. Pick a path and make the doc and example code completely consistent. I was once a finance guy and a controller would give me a book full of reports at the end of each accounting cycle with almost no words in it, just numbers. I told that person never give me numbers without using words to provide insights, context around them. The same holds for “examples”. Don’t provide code without the words to create context and meaning in light of your product. After 20 years in the software business side of private equity, I have seen the same issue persist. Documentation and its role in usefulness and usability is a pain, but so critical to a successful company. Learn to think like a brand new user of your product. And please don’t take this the wrong way. I love the product and have used it since early days. Be so sticky that better backed alternatives like autogen can’t compete!


@moto, this is really good feedback and we appreciate it. We’re working on updating most of our docs as we scale. Expect some good changes coming soon. Thanks again.

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