Crewai Tool giving me this error: import jsonpatch # type: ignore[No module named 'jsonpatch' An error occurred while running the crew: Command '['uv', 'run', 'run_crew']' returned non-zero exit status 1

Here is a portion of my file showing my setup:

from crewai import Agent, Crew, Process, Task
from crewai.project import CrewBase, agent, crew, task

Check our tools documentations for more information on how to use them

from crewai_tools import SerperDevTool, ScrapeWebsiteTool, WebsiteSearchTool, FileReadTool
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field

web_search_tool = WebsiteSearchTool()

If you want to run a snippet of code before or after the crew starts,

you can use the @before_kickoff and @after_kickoff decorators

Crews - CrewAI

class NewProject():
“”“NewProject crew”“”

# Learn more about YAML configuration files here:
# Agents:
# Tasks:
agents_config = 'config/agents.yaml'
tasks_config = 'config/tasks.yaml'

# If you would like to add tools to your agents, you can learn more about it here:
def researcher(self) -> Agent:
	return Agent(

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!