hey all, for pdf search tool, i am using local llm, which requires ollama, i have insatlled ollama i am still facing the dependency error,
its the same case with other dependencies aswell, i install the required dependencies and when i rin the next time i get the same error.
a help will be appreciated.
crewai Version: 0.98.0
Python 3.12.4
Version: 0.32.0
Exception: An error occurred while running the crew: Ollama requires extra dependencies. Install with p raise Exception(f"An error occurred while running the crew: {e}")
Exception: An error occurred while running the crew: Ollama requires extra dependencies. Install with pException: An error occurred while running the crew: Ollama requires extra dependencies. Install with pip install ollama
An error occurred while running the crew: Command ‘[‘uv’, ‘run’, ‘run_crew’]’ returned non-zero exit status 1.