(trail) paarttipaa@Paarttipaabhalajis-MacBook-Pro trail % crewai reset-memories -a
An unexpected error occurred: Please provide an OpenAI API key. You can get one at https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys
I’m using watsonx provider. when I am trying to reset memories its asking for openai api key. Please check into it and resolve this issue.
Hi @Paarttipaabhalaji, I am facing exact same issue. Please post here if you find a solution. Thank you.
sure @Preethi_Prasad . If you find any solution, please share it.
For now, I went here and deleted all the files manually until we got a fix for that - C:\Users<user>\AppData\Local\CrewAI<project_folder>\
i will check and revert you back.
this solution is not optimal.