File path error when running my crewAI

I am having trouble running my crew(basic) in my computer. I have tried around 30 times, different files and names but have not had any result in the execution of the crew. The following is the error that is showing up and I have also provided the path to my located in my desktop.


(base) tomascanova96@Tomass-MacBook-Pro Crew-test-01 % cd ~/desktop/crew-test-01/crew_testing
(base) tomascanova96@Tomass-MacBook-Pro crew_testing % python src/crew_testing/
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/Users/tomascanova96/Desktop/Crew-test-01/crew_testing/src/crew_testing/”, line 7, in
from crew_testing.crew import CrewTesting
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘crew_testing’
(base) tomascanova96@Tomass-MacBook-Pro crew_testing %

Could anyone please help me? I am okay with having a video call with someone to help me trouble shoot this. I want to learn more advanced crews but this is keeping me stuck and cant trouble shoot it with CursorAI, Claude or any other agent, they keep on adding things that don’t work.