Getting Intermediate steps

Is there any way in crewai for getting the intermediate steps stored in the result,
like we do in langchain by setting return_intermediate_steps=True param in agent_executor

@Yash Yes, using CrewAI Flows, which has implemented state.

See the example from the official CrewAI docs (Note: It’s an example of structured state management.).

from crewai.flow.flow import Flow, listen, start
from pydantic import BaseModel

class ExampleState(BaseModel):
    counter: int = 0
    message: str = ""

class StructuredExampleFlow(Flow[ExampleState]):
    def first_method(self):
        self.state.message = "Hello from structured flow"

    def second_method(self):
        self.state.counter += 1
        self.state.message += " - updated"

    def third_method(self):
        self.state.counter += 1
        self.state.message += " - updated again"

        print(f"State after third_method: {self.state}")

flow = StructuredExampleFlow()

@rokbenko i only have one crew and task which i guess do not require the flow,
let me explain my usecase to you :

I have single agent comparising of multiple tools i want to get the output exact what is returned by the tool but sometimes my final answer is an explaination.

so what i am thinking is too get the intermediate steps in that case