Hierarchical process code error help

Can anyone help out with this error,when executing the code, it has to pass the question to the tool, but it is not passing the user_query to the tool,the tool will take the question and returns the results.
My code:
from crewai import Agent, Task, Crew
from langchain_community.tools.sql_database.tool import (
from langchain_community.utilities.sql_database import SQLDatabase
from langchain_core.tools import tool
from textwrap import dedent
from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI
import os
import re
import sqlite3

Initialize the LLM

llm = ChatOpenAI(

def facility_search_tool_using_user_query(user_query: str) → dict:
“”“Uses GPT-4o-mini to generate and execute an SQL query based on a user query for facility data.”“”

# Create prompt to guide the model in generating an SQL query
prompt = (
    f"You're a data collector responsible for gathering facility data from the MAINTENANCE_DATA table "
    f"in the SQLite database. Your task is to ensure accurate and timely data collection for analysis. "
    f"TIME_BASED_AVAILABILITY, PRODUCTION_BASED_AVAILABILITY. Given the user's question: '{user_query}', create an SQL query for "
    f"the MAINTENANCE_DATA table to retrieve relevant data. Provide a syntactically correct SQL query only."

# Generate SQL query using the LLM model instance
response = llm.predict(prompt)

# Define regex pattern to match SQL queries (SELECT statements)
sql_pattern = r"(?i)(SELECT\s+.*?FROM\s+\w+.*?;)"

# Extract SQL query from response
match = re.search(sql_pattern, response, re.DOTALL)
sql_query = match.group(1).strip() if match else None

if sql_query:
    # Connect to the SQLite database
    conn = sqlite3.connect("finalversion1wind.db")
    cursor = conn.cursor()
    # Execute the generated SQL query
    # Fetch results and get column names
    facility_info = cursor.fetchall()  # Fetch all results
    column_names = [description[0] for description in cursor.description]
    # Close the database connection
    # Create a list of dictionaries from the results
    results = [dict(zip(column_names, row)) for row in facility_info]
    return results  # Return all results as a list of dictionaries
    print("No valid SQL query generated.")
    return None

Define Facility Data Collector Agent

facility_data_collector_agent = Agent(
role=“Facility Data Collector Agent”,
goal=“Construct and execute SQL queries based on user questions”,
“”“You are a Wind subject matter expert and an experienced database engineer who excels at creating efficient
and complex SQL queries. You have a deep understanding of how different databases work and how to optimize queries.
Use the ‘facility_search_tool’ for writing SQL queries and executing them against the database.
Note: Always use LIMIT 5 in your SQL queries according to user questions.”“”

Task for Facility Data Collection

facility_data_collector_task = Task(
"Your job is to take the information from the user question {user_query} and collect client data from "
“the SQLite database using the MAINTENANCE_DATA table. Pass the exact user_query to the tool,the tool will gave the question and give us the results of database”
“Corresponding SQL query with results and a concise answer relating to the user question.”

Define Crew with agents and tasks

financial_trading_crew = Crew(
manager_llm=ChatOpenAI(model=“gpt-3.5-turbo”, temperature=0.7),

Input for execution

inputs = {
‘user_query’: ‘Give me top 5 facilities list’

Execute Crew tasks

result = financial_trading_crew.kickoff(inputs=inputs)

Print result output if available

if result:
print(“Result:”, result)
print(“No result returned.”)

When executing the code it is throwing this error:
2024-11-01 17:54:08,850 - 8238723648 - init.py-init:538 - WARNING: Overriding of current TracerProvider is not allowed

Agent: Crew Manager

Task: Your job is to take the information from the user question Give me top 5 facilities list and collect client data from the SQLite database using the MAINTENANCE_DATA table. Pass the exact user_query to the tool,the tool will gave the question and give us the results of database

Agent: Crew Manager

Thought: I need to delegate the task of collecting client data from the SQLite database to the Facility Data Collector Agent using the tool available.

Using tool: Delegate work to coworker

Tool Input:

“{"task": "Collect client data from the SQLite database using the MAINTENANCE_DATA table", "context": "The user query is ‘Give me top 5 facilities list’. Please provide the corresponding SQL query with results and a concise answer relating to the user question."}”

Tool Output:

Error executing tool. coworker mentioned not found, it must be one of the following options:

  • facility data collector agent

Agent: Facility Data Collector Agent

Task: Collect client data from the SQLite database using the MAINTENANCE_DATA table

Agent: Facility Data Collector Agent

Thought: I need to construct an SQL query to retrieve the top 5 facilities from the MAINTENANCE_DATA table.

Using tool: facility_search_tool

Tool Input:

“{"name": "GetTopFacilities", "description": "Retrieve top 5 facilities from MAINTENANCE_DATA", "args_schema": {}, "return_direct": false, "verbose": false}”

Tool Output:

Error: the Action Input is not a valid key, value dictionary.

Agent: Facility Data Collector Agent

Thought: Thought: I need to construct a valid SQL query to retrieve the top 5 facilities from the MAINTENANCE_DATA table.

Using tool: facility_search_tool

Tool Input:

“{"name": "GetTopFacilities", "description": "Retrieve top 5 facilities from MAINTENANCE_DATA", "args_schema": {}, "return_direct": false, "verbose": false}”

Tool Output:

Error: the Action Input is not a valid key, value dictionary.

Agent: Facility Data Collector Agent

Thought: Thought: I need to create a proper SQL query to fetch the top 5 facilities from the MAINTENANCE_DATA table.

Using tool: facility_search_tool

Tool Input:

“{"name": "GetTopFacilities", "description": "Retrieve top 5 facilities from MAINTENANCE_DATA", "args_schema": {}, "return_direct": false, "verbose": false}”

Tool Output:

Error: the Action Input is not a valid key, value dictionary.

Agent: Facility Data Collector Agent

Thought: Thought: I need to construct a SQL query to retrieve the top 5 facilities from the MAINTENANCE_DATA table. I will formulate the query correctly.

Using tool: facility_search_tool

Tool Input:

“{"name": "GetTopFacilities", "description": "Retrieve top 5 facilities from MAINTENANCE_DATA", "args_schema": {}, "return_direct": false, "verbose": false}”

Tool Output:

Error: the Action Input is not a valid key, value dictionary.