Is there a way for an AI manager transition to a chat bot where you can discuss the outcome of the kickoff with the manager. Is that something that’s possible right now and if so, does anybody have any examples of this?
For example, I wrote a crew that will analyze a noncompete contract and generate a report specifically for the individual contract once that reports generated I’d like to be able to chat with the legal advisor that manages that crew and ask additional questions against what it has already learned I think this would be tremendously valuable And would have a huge impact on client adoption of these tech technologies.
I’m trying to use txtsearchtool, but this error appears, I tried to solve it but so far nothing. What could it be?
I encountered an error while trying to use the tool. This was the error: APIStatusError.init() missing 2 required keyword-only arguments: ‘response’ and ‘body’.
Tool Search a txt’s content accepts these inputs: Tool Name: Search a txt’s content
Tool Arguments: {‘search_query’: {‘description’: “Mandatory search query you want to use to search the txt’s content”, ‘type’: ‘str’}, ‘txt’: {‘description’: ‘Mandatory txt path you want to search’, ‘type’: ‘str’}}
Tool Description: A tool that can be used to semantic search a query from a txt’s content. Help
every time! I use gemini and ollama and showed the same error.
I’ve seen it in the documentation but I can’t get it to work
How should I pass the function txtSeachTool?
from crewai_tools import tool
from crewai import Agent , Task , Crew , Process
from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI
import os
from crewai_tools import SerperDevTool , ScrapeWebsiteTool
from crewai_tools import TXTSearchTool
agente_extracao = Agent (
role =‘Extrator de Informações do Txt’,
backstory = “”" Você, como pesquisador de dados de arquivos de texto (txt), é responsável pela coleta, análise e interpretação de dados extraídos de arquivos no formato de texto simples. Seu trabalho envolve aplicar técnicas de mineração e processamento de dados, como análise de padrões, extração de informações relevantes e limpeza de dados brutos…“”" ,
goal = f"“” Responder perguntas baseadas exclusivamente nos dados contidos no arquivo TXT fornecido. {site_url}. .“”" ,
verbose = True ,
memory = True ,
llm = gpt4o ,
tools =[ search_tool ]
pergunta = ‘Quantos % de rodovias pavimentadas existem?’
extrair_informacoes_site = Task (
description =f’Com base na pergunta {pergunta} fornecida, utilize para buscar e fornecer uma resposta clara e objetiva, utilizando apenas as informações contidas no arquivo .txt {site_url}.',
expected_output =‘Resposta clara e objetiva com base nas informações encontradas no arquivo TXT .’,
tools =[ search_tool ] ,
agent = agente_extracao