Hi there. I’m new to CrewAI so I’d really appreciate any help with this.
I created a new project using crewai create crew <project_name>
and chose “Gemini” as my provider of choice. The project’s been created and I have a file structure just like the one in the documentation, but by default OpenAI’s GPT4 is the LLM of choice and I’m having a bit of trouble changing that.
I saw some guides about how to change the LLMs for older CrewAI versions where the config was all in one file and you had to define agents manually, but as I understand there is now a switch to using the crewai create crew <project_name>
command from now on.
So given this new file structure, where would I change the default LLM from gpt-4o to gemini-1.5.pro? I’ve already specified my gemini api key in the .env