How to import EnhanceLongTermMemory from crewai.memory

Hi, I’m going through the doc on EnhanceLongTermMemory here, but I can’t find a way to import it anywhere. Any ideas?

Sorry but what do you mean you cannot find a way to import it anywhere?

Does that mean you don’t know where to import it or you don’t know how to import it?

My bad. I tried different ways to import EnhanceLongTermMemory and neither seems to work. I also can’t find much documentation about it. For example:

from crewai.memory.long_term.long_term_memory import EnhanceLongTermMemory
from crewai.memory import EnhanceLongTermMemory

Well, it does not exist in the code base. I guess in the documentation, they tried to show you can create your custom own class for memory by enhancing our long-term memory class, etc.

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