Independent and interdependent agent

In the use case I’m working on, I have three agents that are interdependent but don’t follow a sequential order. The first agent continuously monitors a data source and collects data. The second and third agents use the data from the first agent, but they are invoked separately: the second agent requires a CSV file to start, and the third agent requires a user query to initiate. Both agents use the data stored (preferably in a database) by the first agent for their functionalities. Given this, should I place each agent in a separate crew (with one agent per crew), or is it feasible to include all three agents in a single crew?

I think you should put the 3 agents in 3 different crew and have them in a flow that’s looped. This way you can continue checking for new data and only trigger the other flows when you have it.

The third flow can be triggered by a condition in the input since you said it’s triggered by a user query. These are just random thoughts to get you started. Good luck