Hi, Is there an alternative to using “kickoff” for inter-crew communication? In my use case, multiple crews need to communicate with a centralized crew. Each crew initiates communication with the centralized crew when it is triggered and must wait for a response from the centralized crew which i am not sure if can be achieved using flow…
You probably will be able to achieve this with flows. You want to have a “manager” crew that executes other crews depending on outputs right? Flows are a perfect fit for this. If you add a bit more information I might be able to help you draw up a rough draft of this
No, not a manager crew. I have multiple crews. Each crew wants some information from this centralized crew. So when the other crews are kicked off, if they need help from this centralized crew, this centralized crew needs to be kicked off. I was thinking of giving an API call to kick off the centralized crew so that the response from the centralized crew can be utilized by the requested crew to continue its process. But I’m doubting whether multiple requests to the centralized crew at the same time can cause an issue.
Add a tool, inside that tool use kickoff() to run whatever Crew you need?
Not sure, though, will there be conflicts or not. Monitoring may conflict.