Can you confirm that’s actually true? Set the verbose parameter to True to all your agents and crews to see what’s happening behind the scenes. Once you do this, please copy-paste content from the terminal here. Of course, remove any sensitive data.
@m1k3y02 Which CrewAI SDK version are you using? Try to downgrade it a bit to see if the issue dissapears. Let me know the results. If downgrading solves the issue, then the SDK might have a bug.
@stefanstranger Which CrewAI SDK version are you using? Try to downgrade it a bit to see if the issue dissapears. Let me know the results. If downgrading solves the issue, then the SDK might have a bug.
@rokbenko I downgraded to 0.80.0, and issue seems to persist, but when I went down to 0.79.0, it seems to work fine or at least started again respecting the params like max_iter and max_execution_time