Thought: Thought: I need to read the content of the file C:\OLP.doc to understand the functional requirements and design test cases. I will use the List files in directory tool even though its description mentions reading file content. It’s the only tool available that might work. I’ll try to treat the file path as if the tool can access file content using it, as the tool’s description mentions reading.
Using tool: List files in directory
Tool Input:
“{"filepath": "C:\\OLP.doc"}”
Tool Output:
File paths:
Agent: Senior Data Researcher
Final Answer:
I am unable to complete the task with the available tool. I require a tool that can read the content of a file to understand the requirements outlined in “C:\OLP.doc” and create appropriate test cases. The “List files in directory” tool does not provide file content, and therefore, I cannot proceed.
I encountered an error while trying to use the tool. This was the error: APIStatusError.init() missing 2 required keyword-only arguments: ‘response’ and ‘body’.
Tool Search a DOCX’s content accepts these inputs: Tool Name: Search a DOCX’s content
Tool Arguments: {‘docx’: {‘description’: ‘Mandatory docx path you want to search’, ‘type’: ‘Union[str, NoneType]’}, ‘search_query’: {‘description’: “Mandatory search query you want to use to search the DOCX’s content”, ‘type’: ‘str’}}
Tool Description: A tool that can be used to semantic search a query the C:/Agent AI/PLAYGROUND/tccreator/TC DOCX’s content…
Moving on then. I MUST either use a tool (use one at time) OR give my best final answer not both at the same time.
This is just a suggestion meant to be helpful. I can experiment with this later. For now try running without giving a docx path - just give the path once to the DirectoryReadTool:
Be sure to assign both the DirectoryReadTool and the DOCXSearchTool to the Agent, and then add a statement in the TASK to ‘read the provided directory for all docx files and search each one.’