Pydantic v2 problem => fields has been removed / no longer supported by Pydantic v2


I’m new to crewai, on windows machine and I have installed crewai 0.86.0, crewai-tools 0.17.0, pydantic 2.10.4, pydantic-core 2.27.2, pydantic-settings 2.7.1…

I used the command crewai create ai-agent to create a new project
i used vs code to edit and run, and I get this error when trying to run it.
C:\development\agent.venv\Lib\site-packages\ UserWarning: Valid config keys have changed in V2:

  • ‘fields’ has been removed
    warnings.warn(message, UserWarning)

pydantic v2++ no longer support “fields”, is there a problem with the project created?

I just encountered the same thing. Check if the pyproject.toml got initiated with an older version of pydantic and change it to “pydantic>=2.4.2,<3.0.0” , also check that there is no conflict with a requirements.txt or something

I checked the code and it seems the pydantic v2 is performing a check on the function FIELD, which no longer exist. its a warning message so I could still run it as normal for now. but not sure if the package or selected function may cause problem later.