Pydantic validation error for task?

I defined my agents, now I’m defining my tasks but I get a pydantic validation error :rofl:

profiler_agent = Agent(
    config = job_search_agents_config['profiler'],
    tools = [ResumeParser()]
profiling_task = Task(
    config = job_search_tasks_config['candidate_profiling_task'],
    agent = profiler_agent,
    output_pydantic = CandidateProfile

This yields a validation error

ValidationError: 1 validation error for Task
  Field required [type=missing, input_value={'agent': Agent(role=Lead...: {job_requirements}\n"}, input_type=dict]
    For further information visit

Did I do something wrong?

Hey sorry it turns out I didn’t add an “expected_output” parameter! I was following the notebook from the latest crewai class - i think i missed the release note stating this parameter as essential.