Unable to create crewai project

I am on macOs and python 3.10.9 and i have confirmed that crewai and crewai-tools are installed correctly. but when i try to run the command “crewai create crew myfirstcrewaiproject” i get crewai command not found.
Some of the troubleshooting i have done so far …

  1. pip3 show crewai | grep Location : gives me the location of crewai and crewai-tools
  2. I try to find the executable within crewai folder . i cd into the folder but i only see crew.py
  3. i use the full “pwd” path and try to run python3 /path/crewai/crew.py create crew myfirstcrewaiproject
    but i get nothing …
    Any help here would be greatly appreciated !

First thing I would suggest is beginning with a fresh install of miniconda if you are not using it. It protects from weird stuff toasting where things install.


Start a miniconda terminal

Then create a fresh Python environment using
conda create -n py3_12 python=3.12

Activate this fresh new environment:
conda activate py3_12

Then follow the CrewAi install instructions:

Installation - CrewAI

Let me know if this works or if you have questions. Good luck.

I have the same problem.

Working on windows, using python 3.12.

I had to use the command pip install crewai crewai-tools chroma-hnswlib==0.7.5 chromadb==0.5.4 because of errors.

After that $ pip freeze | grep crewai

but when i try to create the project crewai create crew MyProject:
crewai: command not found

Anyone knows the reason? Everything is under a venv.

I highly recommend:

  • using venv
  • use the latest version of crewai and crewai-tools (pip install crewai==0.95.0 and pip install crewai-tools==0.25.8
  • within the venv, run pip freeze | grep crewai and it should show you the two packages aboveand the versions.
  • then proceed to run the create crew command.

If you’re still getting error, please share screenshots and full error messages you get.

Hi there, thank you for suggesting to use venv. what worked for me was first running this command “python3 -m venv .venv && source .venv/bin/activate” and then running all the installations commands within this virtual environment.

but the issue i am running into now is, its been a few days and i want to re-run the existing crew , i create a virtual env back using the command “python3 -m venv .venv && source .venv/bin/activate” and then checking for crewai package installations, then i cd into my <project_name>. then i ran the command “crewai run”.
But i am getting an error " Running the Crew

warning**:** VIRTUAL_ENV=/Users/<username>/.venv does not match the project environment path .venv and will be ignored

error: failed to remove directory /usr/local/fbcode/platform010/Python3.10.framework/Versions/3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/cffi: Permission denied (os error 13)

An error occurred while running the crew: Command ‘[‘uv’, ‘run’, ‘run_crew’]’ returned non-zero exit status 2."

Any suggestions here would be greatly appreciated