Adding guardrail to a task error (crew defined with decorators)

In docs I have found only 1 way to add guardrail to a task:

blog_task = Task(
    description="Write a blog post about AI",
    expected_output="A blog post under 200 words",
    guardrail=validate_blog_content  # Add the guardrail function

But I`m using decorators syntax to define my whole crew:

class MyCrew:
    agents_config = "config/agents.yaml"
    tasks_config = "config/tasks.yaml"



So all works well but this task definition with guardrail:

    def my_task(self) -> Task:
        return Task(

Is it valid: to pass guardrail function this way using decorators approach?
If yes - why Im getting this error?

[Flow._execute_single_listener] Error in method create_content: 1 validation error for Task
  Value error, If return type is annotated, it must be Tuple[bool, Any] [type=value_error, input_value=<function validate_text_o...t at 0x000002AC24F9FEC0>, input_type=function]

Yes, I’m passing the function itself, exactly as stated in documentation, but Tuple is expected.
Is there a way to correctly pass a guardrail function if using Crew Class with Decorators?

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Hello @Alex_Koniushenko can you share your validate_blog_content() function please. let’s debug that !

Yes, sure
Here it is:

def validate_text_output(result: str) → Tuple[bool, Union[Dict[str, Any], str]]:
“”“Validate that the content is valid text and not binary data.”“”

if not result.strip():
return (
“error”: “Content is empty”,
“code”: “EMPTY_CONTENT”,
“context”: {“length”: len(result)},

    binary_signatures = ["%PDF", "\x00"]
    if any(result.startswith(sig) for sig in binary_signatures):
        return (
                "error": "Content appears to be binary data",
                "code": "BINARY_CONTENT",
                "context": {
                    "content_start": result[:10]

    return True, result.strip()

except Exception as e:
    return (
            "error": f"Unexpected error during validation: {str(e)}",
            "code": "SYSTEM_ERROR",

Sorry for late reply :
here one exemple of function to extract Json structure of output :

def validate_json_output2(result: str) -> Tuple[bool, Any]:
	json_pattern = r"\{.*\}"
	match =, result.raw, re.DOTALL)
	if match:
		json_data =
		return (True, json_data)

		return (False, "Output must be JSoN format")

class WriteDescription(BaseModel):
	Description: str = Field(description="la description détaillée du canapé")

	def DescriBot_task(self) -> Task:
		return Task(
			output_pydantic = WriteDescription,
			guardrail = validate_json_output2

I had the same error which was fix by changing to “Tuple[bool, Any]”

You also need to change result by result.raw which is equal to the string output