Pipeline: Access stage output in the subsequent stage

I am using pipelines and I am trying to access the previous stage’s output in the current stage.
I have a pipeline with two crews: current_date_crew and get_weather_crew:
Pipeline(stages=[current_date_crew, get_weather_crew]).kickoff(inputs)

  • The current_date_crew access the web and gets the current date and time (and return just it).
  • The get_weather_crew gets the weather for the given date:

When I am defining the task for get_weather:
description: >
Get the weather for the date using the previous stage’s output.
expected_output: >
Return the weather report.
agent: weather_agent

When I run it, the second stage (get_weather_crew) doesn’t seem to use the date from the previous stage (current_date_crew).

I also tried using explicit inputs like so:
description: >
Get the weather for the date using {date}
expected_output: >
Return the weather report.
agent: weather_agent

but here I just get an error because I have no date on my inputs.

Does anyone have this problem also?
Am I missing something?

I know that for this specific example, using pipelines is an overkill since I can technically do it all in one crew. But for the sake of understanding pipelines I would like to implement it like so.

Thanks !

Wow, I can’t believe that I am the first response after 14 days. Have you taken a look at the pipeline output section in the docs? Is that how you’re doing it? Can you post your pipeline code?